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Prof. Shawky Ahmed Ibrahim Elsayed :: Publications:

Conditional Expectation of Certain Distributions of Record Values
Authors: A. I. Shawky and R. A. Bakoban
Year: 2009
Keywords: Record statistics; Exponentiated gamma distribution; Conditional expectation; Continuous distribution
Journal: Int. Journal of Math. Analysis
Volume: 3
Issue: 17
Pages: 829-838
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

General classes of continuous distribution are characterized by considering the conditional expectation of function of record statistics. The specific distribution considered as a particular case of the general class of distribution are Weibull, Pareto, exponential (Exp), power function, Burr, beta of the first kind, rectangular, Rayleigh, Lomax, inverse Weibull (IW), exponentiated gamma (EG), exponentiated Weibull (EW), exponentiated Pareto (EP), generalized Rayleigh (GR) and exponentiated exponential (EE).

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