Thirty sex canine mammary gland neoplasm had been recorded among female dogs during the period extended from 2013 to 2015. Malignant neoplasm of the mammary gland were recorded in 31 cases which represented by 86.2% of the examined animals. Out of these malignant masses, tubulopapillary mammary adenocarcinoma (7cases), carcinoma in benign mixed tumor (7cases) and cysticpapillary mammary adenocarcinoma (6cases) were the most commonly diagnosed mammary neoplasm .Only one case was recorded as malignant mixed tumor (carcinosarcoma) which represented (3.2%). Meanwhile, benign one was recorded in 5 animals which represented 13.8%. The all cases of benign neoplasm were adenomyoepithelioma (complex mammary adenocarcinoma). The surgical management as well as histopathological classification and the outcome of the surgery were all documented and considered. |