Background: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are more
susceptible for having psychological comorbidities than the normal
population. This is due to many factors like pain, disability, and social
impacts of the arthritis besides other metabolic co-factors like vitamin
D deficiency. Purpose: To study the link between vitamin D level as
a co-factor in mood changes outcome in RA patients and the extent of
mood change variables affection as well as the relation to disease
activity. Patients and Methods: This study included 100 adult RA
patients divided into two groups; Group1(G1): RA patients with low
vitamin D level and Group 2(G2):RA patients with normal vitamin
level, both groups were subjected to assessment of mood change and
disease activity. Results: This study found that total Beck scale for
depression and mood change variables were significantly different
between the two groups (p < 0.001). Significant correlation was also
found between vitamin D level and total Beck scale and mood
changes (P,0.001). Disease activity index was in reverse correlation
with vitamin D level in total patients’ sample (r = - 0.143), but no
significant difference was found between both groups (p = 0.139).
Conclusion: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis who have vitamin D
deficiencies are more prone to exhibit psychological and mood
disorders regardless the status of disease activity |