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Prof. Shereen Mohamed Sobhey El-Kholey :: Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
Violence. 28th Annual Conference Quality & Medicine. Held at Department of Forensic Medicine, Tanta University, Faculty of Medicine. 2013
Annual Medical Conference “Improving Health Care and Emergency Services in Delta Region” Held at Benha University Conference Hall and Palmyra Hotel. 2013
“Violence Free World Begins with Violence Free Home”. Held at Big Hall, Learning Resources Center, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo, Egypt. 2011
“Competitive Research Funds” at Benha Faculty of Medicine 2010
"Research Methodology" at Benha Faculty of Medicine 2009
The Conference Titled “Recent Advances In Forensic Medicine & Clinical Toxicology” Held at Forensic Medicine & Clinical Toxicology Dept, Faculty of Medicine, El-Mansoura University. 2009
The 17th Annual Scientific Conference of of the Egyptian Society for Biological Anthropology, Titled “Anthropometric Differences Betweem Male & Female” 2009
The 24th Annual Congress of Tanta University, Faculty of Medicine, Titled “Geriatric Health care & Protection”. 2009
The 7th Scientific Conference of the Forensic Medicine & Clinical Toxicology Department, Faculty of Medicine-Cairo University 2009
" Intellectual Property Rights " held at Benha Faculty of Medicine, Benha University 2009
" Acupuncture as an Adjuvant Therapy in Some Cases of Poisoning & Addiction " held at Tanta Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University 2009
" Making Revitalization & Quality Performance of Baby Friendly Hospitals A Priority in Egypt " held at Benha Faculty of Medicine, Benha University 2009
Successful Grant Writing " held at Benha Faculty of Medicine, Benha University 2008
" Stem Cell Between Dream & Reality " held at ElKanater El-Khyria by Benha Faculty of Medicine. 2008
"Research Ethics" at Benha Faculty of Medicine 2008
The 5th Annual Conference of Qaluiobia Medical Syndicate for Liver & GIT Diseases held at Hall of the municipal council in Benha 2007
The Confers Titled “Electromagnetic Waves: Its Effects on Human” held at General Syndicate for Doctors, Cairo. 2007
10th Congress of Benha Fever Hospital Titled “Fever & Liver Diseases” Held at Benha National Democratic Party. 2007
The 2nd International Conference of Natural Toxins, held at Air Defense Hotel, Cairo. 2006
The 1st Scientific Conference of Emergency Medicine held at Benha National Democratic Party, Titled “Emergency in Medicine” 2000
The 4th Annual Conference of Department of Surgery in Collaboration With the Egyptian Society of Surgeons, held at Benha Faculty of Medicine 2000
The 3rd Scientific Conference of the Assembly of the Islamic Medical of Ebin El-Nafees, Arafa Hotel, Tanta, Titled “Update Management of High Risk Patients” 1999
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