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Dr. Shreen awad abdelakader awad :: Publications:

Technology review of natural gas liquefaction processes
Authors: Usama Eldemerdash, Sherine Awad, M. Shuaimi
Year: 2011
Keywords: Natural gas, liquefaction
Journal: Journal of Applied Science
Volume: 11
Issue: 21
Pages: 3541-3546
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Shreen awad abdelakader awad_27331-27331 LNG.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Due to the increasing demand for natural gas in the world today, transportation of natural gas from different parts of the world has become a necessity. Liquefying of the natural gas provides a safer and cheaper alternative for its transportation and increase its storage capabilities. However, it has been accounting for the highest operating cost if compared to the chain of the industry. Hence, liquefaction process has been a key area that constantly in need for development to save cost and increase LNG plant capacity through production. This study reviews for the current developments of natural gas liquefaction(LNG)technologies. The cost items equipment that affect the overall operating cost of the plant and equipment’s efficiency will be discussed. Studies had been done on several parameters that influence the process efficiency and lead to wide difference in the production of LNG in a plant. These include the tube side design pressure, end flash quantity, temperature approach on main condenser, compressor efficiency, LPG recovery and also liquefaction technologies. Nevertheless, further studies in depth understanding on the fundamentals of liquefaction process is still required in order to develop innovative methods to further increase the capacity, efficiency and consequently the production of LNG in LNG plant.

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