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Dr. Shereen Basiouni Hassan Basiouni :: Publications:

Characterization of Sunflower Oil Extracts from the Lichen Usnea barbata
Authors: Shereen Basiouni, Marwa A A Fayed, Reda Tarabees, Mohamed El-Sayed 3, Ahmed Elkhatam 4, Klaus-Rainer Töllner 5, Manfred Hessel, Thomas Geisberger, Claudia Huber, Wolfgang Eisenreich, Awad A Shehata
Year: 2020
Keywords: Enterococcus faecalis; Usnea barbata; cytotoxicity; enterococcosis; flavonoids; multidrug resistant bacteria; natural antimicrobial; phenolics; usnic acid.
Journal: Metabolites
Volume: 10
Issue: 9
Pages: 353
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
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The increasing global emergence of multidrug resistant (MDR) pathogens is categorized as one of the most important health problems. Therefore, the discovery of novel antimicrobials is of the utmost importance. Lichens provide a rich source of natural products including unique polyketides and polyphenols. Many of them display pharmaceutical benefits. The aim of this study was directed towards the characterization of sunflower oil extracts from the fruticose lichen, Usnea barbata. The concentration of the major polyketide, usnic acid, was 1.6 mg/mL extract as determined by NMR analysis of the crude mixture corresponding to 80 mg per g of the dried lichen. The total phenolics and flavonoids were determined by photometric assays as 4.4 mg/mL (gallic acid equivalent) and 0.27 mg/mL (rutin equivalent) corresponding to 220 mg/g and 13.7 mg/g lichen, respectively. Gram-positive (e.g., Enterococcus faecalis) and Gram-negative bacteria, as well as clinical isolates of infected chickens were sensitive against these extracts as determined by agar diffusion tests. Most of these activities increased in the presence of zinc salts. The data suggest the potential usage of U. barbata extracts as natural additives and mild antibiotics in animal husbandry, especially against enterococcosis in poultry.

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