BACKgRouNd ANd oBjECTivES: To evaluate the knowledge of the primary health care physicians (PHCP) in Kalubia governorate,
Egypt, about the causes, diagnosis, complications, and treatment of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (NHB).
METHodS: Cross-sectional survey distributed by interview to 500 physicians working in the primary health care (PHC) sector in Kalubia.
RESulTS: Out of 500 distributed surveys, 419 (84%) PHCP completed the questionnaire. They represent 174 (90%) out of 193 PHC units
and centers. About 18% were males and 82% females with mean age of 28.5 ± 5.2 years, and mean duration of work was 3.3 ± 4.4 years.
All of the respondents have patients with NHB in their daily practice. The knowledge of the PHCP was good in some aspects about NHB;
however, it was poor and may be even hazardous in other aspects.
CoNCluSioNS: Many areas of defects are detected in PHCP knowledge about NHB. Pre-service and continuous training of the PHCP
about the diagnosis and management of NHB are essential. |