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Prof. Sherif Ibrahim Ahmed Ramadan :: Memberships and Awards details:

Organization name Membership/Award
Egyptian Rabbit Science Association Membership
Egyptian buffaloes improvement Association Membership
Egyptian Poultry Science Association Membership
Award of the senior (Top Grade) of the Graduates of the Year 2001 (cumulative total ranking for the five years of BVSC degree); from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University. Award
Full governmental scholarship from Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education for pursuing PhD at Wildlife Research Center, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Japan (2009 - 2013) Award
Postdoctoral fellow from Egyptian Ministry of higher education at the Wildlife Research Center, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto university,(2016 -2017). Award
Postdoctoral fellow from Kyoto University Supporting program for interaction-based initiative team studies (SPIRITS) at Wildlife Research Center, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto university, Japan (April - May 2017) Award
Award of International Publishing and Scientific Excellence, Benha University, 2015 and 2018. Award
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