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Ass. Lect. shaimaa Hassan Mohammed Yasein :: Publications:

Multi-Band Radio Frequency Energy Predictor for Advanced Energy Harvesting Cellular Bands Systems
Authors: Shaimaa H. Mohammed , Ashraf S. Mohra , Ashraf Y. Hassan and Ahmed F. Elnokrashy
Year: 2023
Keywords: Radio frequency, energy harvesting, energy prediction, multi-band, machine learning, time series model.
Journal: 2023 5th Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference (NILES)
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper shaimaa Hassan Mohammed Yasein_Shaimaa_Hassan_NILES_2023.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Radio Frequency (RF) energy harvesting has been employed to power wireless devices. Nevertheless, RF energy harvesting encounters restrictions regarding the quantity of power it can harvest depending on signal accessibility. As a result, accurately predicting energy levels becomes crucial for enhancing the performance of energy harvesting circuits. Most research efforts have concentrated on enhancing power harvesting policies or theoretically estimating the energy obtained through RF energy harvesting. Moreover, the existing literature has primarily focused on single-band prediction approaches. This paper presents a multi-band RF energy prediction approach for RF energy harvesting systems. We collect real-time RF energy using software-defined radio technology. The proposed approach leverages Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural networks to accurately predict the mean RF energy in different frequency bands for the next 100 samples, which corresponds to approximately one hour and a half. The research explores the research gap in modeling the radio frequency signal and the need for multi-band prediction techniques. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in predicting RF energy across different frequency bands, with average accuracies above 98%

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