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Prof. Soheir Abd-el-Rahman Abd-el-Samie Ebraheem :: Supervised MSc:

Title In progress/Completed
evaluation of chlamydia pneumoniae in patients on hemodialysis Completed
bacterial UTI after kidney transplantation with impact on kidney function Completed
non protein bound iron as earlly predictive marker of neonatal brain damage Completed
a study of the changes in the bone marrow microenvironment in lymphoma at diagnosis and remission Completed
a comparative study of the efficacy of intravitreal injection of ciprofloxacin versus vancomycin and ceftazidime in the treatment of experimental bacterial endophthalmitis in rabbits Completed
early detection of MRSA by: E test , latex agglutination test and real-time PCR Completed
comparison of CHROM agar salmonella medium and other types of media used in isolation of salmonella types in stool samples Completed
effect of preinatal asphyxia on thyroid stimulating hormone and thyroid hormones levels Completed
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: a clinical and microbiological study Completed
study of interleukin-2 level in patients with active pulmonary TB and the changes following anti-TB chemotherapy Completed
study of serum paraoxonase activity in patients with chronic rtenal failure on regular hemodialysis Completed
HCV genotype and "silent" HBV coninfection: 2 main risk factors for a more severe liver disease Completed
study of eotaxin level in patients with allergic rhinitis and chronic sinusitis Completed
a study of serum procalcitonin level in children with occult bacteremia Completed
microbiological investigation and disinfection policy in an ICU Completed
multi-drug resistant pseudomonas aeruginosa as a cause of chronicity in ear infections Completed
study for decomposition of fibrin in ascetic fluid in advanced hepatic patient Completed
evaluation of fast plaque TB method for the rapid diagnosis of TB and rifampicine resistance Completed
study of complement factor H related protein (CFHRP) as a marker for bladder cancer in Egyptian patients Completed
rapid identification of microorganisms causing UTI Completed
Measuring Carntine non insulin dependant diabetic patient Completed
testing sensitivity of different types of candida to fluconazol via different methods Completed
study of noscomial infection in NICU at Benha university hospital Completed
comparative study between conventional and automated methods in diagnosis of hospital aquired infection Completed
study of anaerobic bacterial flora and short chain fatty acids acids changes in cirrhotic patients Completed
evaluation of MGIT as a tool for diagnosis of TB and detection of its susceptibility to anti-tuberculous drugs Completed
plasma myeloperoxidase levels in patients with chronic liver disease Completed
immunophenotyping of lymphocytes in CML Egyptian patients Completed
detection of transfusion transmitted virus (TTV) in blood donors Completed
دراسة الجينات الجزئية المسئولة عن مقاومة ميكروب الدرن Completed
role of L-form bacteria and mucoplasma in secretory otitis media Completed
psycho-bio-social study of premenestrual dysphoric disorder Completed
urinary nitrite plus nitrate excretion in children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome Completed
molecular genetics of drug resistance of TB Completed
gas liquid chromatography in diagnosis of legionella Completed
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