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Assist. sondos mohamed mohamed abulwafa :: Theses :

Title Collective Identity in Selected Literary Works of Resistance:A Comparative Study between James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young man and Sahar Khalifeh’s The Image, the Icon, and the Covenan
Type MSc
Supervisors Prof. Mohammad AbuArab
Year 2024
Abstract Different nations suffer from colonialism around the world. Colonialism is a battle of power, domination, and subjection. It aims at destroying the identity of the colonized nations, and utilizing their resources. Nations under the hegemony of colonialism struggle to maintain their collective identity and national heritage; they resist and struggle to voice the sentiments of their nation to the whole world. Moreover, they recount their stories of anguish and oppression through their literature. This thesis pursues a comparative study to investigate how different nations suffer from colonialism and post colonialism, and how they articulate their collective identity through their literature. This paper scrutinizes the themes of collective identity and resistance in two different novels: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, an Irish novel by James Joyce and The Image, the Icon, and the Covenant, a Palestinian novel by Sahar Khalifeh. To achieve these aims, the study adopts Alberto Melucci's theory of Collect
University Benha University
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Title Collective Identity in Selected Literary Works of Resistance:A Comparative Study between James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young man and Sahar Khalifeh’s The Image, the Icon, and the Covenan
Type MSc
Supervisors Prof. Mohammad AbuArab
Year 2025
Abstract Different nations suffer from colonialism around the world. Colonialism is a battle of power, domination, and subjection. It aims at destroying the identity of the colonized nations, and utilizing their resources. Nations under the hegemony of colonialism struggle to maintain their collective identity and national heritage; they resist and struggle to voice the sentiments of their nation to the whole world. Moreover, they recount their stories of anguish and oppression through their literature. This thesis pursues a comparative study to investigate how different nations suffer from colonialism and post colonialism, and how they articulate their collective identity through their literature. This paper scrutinizes the themes of collective identity and resistance in two different novels: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, an Irish novel by James Joyce and The Image, the Icon, and the Covenant, a Palestinian novel by Sahar Khalifeh. To achieve these aims, the study adopts Alberto Melucci's theory of Collect
University Benha University
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