To find out the various dimensions, measurements, and grading of the pterygopalatine
fossa (PPF) that were not antecedently published using computed tomography (CT).
Patients and methods
This study was carried on the included 200 paranasal CT scans (400 sides). Axial images
were acquired with multiplanar reformates to obtain delicate details in coronal and sagittal
planes for all participants.
Within 200 CTs (400 sides), the mean anteroposterior dimension of the PPF was 7.33±1.3 mm
(range=3.8–11.6), the mean PPF transverse diameter was 12.5±2.09 mm (range=7.25–22.1),
and the mean PPF height was 16.99±2.83 mm (range=10–22.2), without reported significant
differences between both sides in all PPF dimensions.
This study improves surgeons’ awareness of PPF variations in the endoscopic field and can be
of help to residents in training. |