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Prof. Prof. Taha Ibrahim :: Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2014
1-Revit structure and CSI programs instructor.
2-Autodesk certified instructor for Revit program by ID: #46541.
Scientific Activities of 2013
3-Academic and technical Assistance on graduation projects for under graduate students at Shoubra Faculty of Engineering - Benha University.
4-Revit structure and CSI programs instructor.
Scientific Activities of 2012
5-Academic and technical Assistance on graduation projects for under graduate students at Shoubra Faculty of Engineering - Benha University.
6-Revit structure and CSI programs instructor.
Scientific Activities of 2011
7-Academic and technical Assistance on graduation projects for under graduate students at Shoubra Faculty of Engineering - Benha University.
8-Revit structure and CSI programs instructor.
Scientific Activities of 2010
9-Academic and technical Assistance on graduation projects for under graduate students at Shoubra Faculty of Engineering - Benha University.
Scientific Activities of 2009
10-Academic and technical Assistance on graduation projects for under graduate students at Shoubra Faculty of Engineering - Benha University.
Scientific Activities of 2008
11-Academic and technical Assistance on graduation projects for under graduate students at Shoubra Faculty of Engineering - Benha University.
Scientific Activities of 2007
12-Academic and technical Assistance on graduation projects for under graduate students at Shoubra Faculty of Engineering - Benha University.
Scientific Activities of 2006
13-Academic and technical Assistance on graduation projects for under graduate students at Shoubra Faculty of Engineering - Benha University.
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