Role of Transforming growth factor-β in ophthalmology
Transforming growth factor-β (TFG-β) is a universal growth
factor that plays multiple roles in different parts of the body.
Physiologically, it is important for regulation of cell cycle,
differentiation of cells and regulation of immunity. It also plays a vital role in wound healing and scar formation.TFG-β has also been implicated in the pathology of vernalkeratoconjunctivitis, scarring with ocular cicatricial pemphigoid, alkali burn and dryness of Sjögren’s syndrome.TFG-β has been linked to posterior capsular opacification after cataract surgery.Identifying TFG-β as a potent stimulator of scarring after glaucoma surgery may open a wide door for using anti-TFG-β antibodies as an alternative to the currently used a ntimetabolites.They appear much safer and less destructive.In diabetic retinopathy, TFG-β intravitreal levels are highest in insulin-treated patient with active neovascular membrane, implicating a role of this factor. It may induce posterior vitreous detachment,epiretinal membrane contraction, retinal detachment and proliferative vitreoretinopathy formation. Statins, through cutting down TFG-β signaling pathway may play a protective role. |