This studg tuas carried out to def-ect the embryoctdal and terato'
genic effects of abdominal t1aunta and amniotfc sac puncture in pregnant
albino rats.Pregnant rats tuere dtutded into tttso groups.each containing
2O rats.The first group LDCLS arTaesthetized and recetued standard abdom'
inal trauma in the rtght side oJ the abdomen anlg bg certain deuice on
dag 15 oJ pregnancA .A Labarotomg un.der aneesthesi.a u)as also per'
Jorrned an dag 15 oJ pregnancu to the second group: the nght utemne
horns tuere extertorized and the amniottc sotcs Llere punctured through
the tuall oJ the uterus tuith a 21 gauge needle.The concepttses tn the Left
utertn horns in each group constdered as control.All- rats tuere sacri,fi.ced
on the dag 20 of pregnancg bg ceruical dislocatton.The number oJ resorpttonsJoetal
surutuais..rfoetal useights and crau)n- rump Lengths u;ere deter'
mined at autopsg. Liutng Joetuses tuere processedJor exantinatiorr.. oJ ui^sceral
and skeletal deJects .Significant increase in resorption rates as utell
as significant d.ecrease in Joetal bodg tueights and crouln-rump Lenghts
tuere noticed tn the ttuo groups.The surutuai. raies in both groups LDere
signiftcantlg affected.Gross erternctl abnormalltres iri the Jorrn oJ abnor'
mal short tail" clefi. palate,micrognatLti-a.c,.briont"al Lirnbs and abnormal
postltre were obserued in the tuso groups.Hotueuere.these a.bnormalittes
u)ere more marked in the Joetuses oJ the amniot[c sc.c punctLLre
group.Some Joetuses oJ the abdomiruaL traumcr group shotued exencepha'
lg and haemorrhagic lesions on the thorax and Limbs.Thr-{s, a sfrong .rssociation
between trauma arud cranioJacial or Limb qbnorunaltties should be
reported. |