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Dr. Tamer Ahmed Mohamed El Akkad :: Publications:

Comparative assessment of genetic diversity of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes as revealed by RAPD, AFLP and SDS- protein markers
Authors: El-Akkad T. A.
Year: 2015
Keywords: Groundnut accessions , Molecular markers , Polymorphism , Genetic similarity.
Journal: Arab J.Biotech.
Volume: 18
Issue: 2
Pages: 97-112
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Tamer Ahmed Mohamed El Akkad_Comparative assessment of genetic.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The present work was conducted to evaluate RAPD, AFLP and SDS protein marker systems for their ability to detect genetic diversity among ten peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes and to compare the efficiency of these marker types in the classification of accessions according to the gene pool of peanut genotypes. The polymorphic fragments were obtained on the basis of 10 differentiating primers using the RAPD method , 2 differentiating primer combinations using the AFLP , and SDS protein. The ten RAPD primers produced 38 polymorphic bands, while AFLP primer combinations produced 30 polymorphic bands, and SDS protein pattern produced 4 polymorphic bands. RAPD data analysis showed that the genetic similarity among ten peanut accessions ranged from 75.3 to 98.7%, while the AFLPs generated data showed that the highest genetic similarity value was 97.8% and the lowest value was 74.7%, and the SDS protein showed that the highest genetic similarity value was 100% and the lowest value was 71.4%. The dendrogram generated with hierarchical UPGMA (Un-weighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Averages) cluster analysis of the Jaccard's similarity coefficient matrices revealed two major clusters, which were identified.

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