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Dr. Tamer Hamza Mohammed :: Publications:

Toward the evaluation of P(X(t) > Y(t)) when both X(t) and Y(t) are inactivity times of two systems
Authors: Tamer Abouelmagd and et
Year: 2018
Keywords: Bias sampling; mean inactivity time; reliability; reliability ordering; reversed hazard rate; U-statistics
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Tamer Hamza Mohammed_Toward the evaluation of P X t Y t when both X t and Y t are inactivity times of two systems.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The inactivity time, also known as reversed residual life, has been a topic of increasing interest in the literature. In this investigation, based on the comparison of inactivity times of two devices, we introduce and study a new estimate of the probability of the inactivity time of one device exceeding that of another device. The problem studied in this paper is important for engineers and system designers. It would enable them to compare the inactivity times of the products and, hence to design better products. Several properties of this probability are established. Connections between the target probability and the reversed hazard rates of the two devices are established. In addition, some of the reliability properties of the new concept are investigated extending the well-known probability ordering. Finally, to illustrate the introduced concepts, many examples and applications in the context of reliability theory are included.

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