Purpose: To evaluate the changes in the pilocarpine - induced contractility of the ciliary muscle in eyes with presbyopia before and after cataract extraction using ultrasound bionicoscopy (UBM).
Patient And Methods:A clear corneal phacoemulsification and posterior chamber intraocular lens (Acrysof SA60AT; Alcon Laboratories, Fort worth, Texas, USA) was implanted in 23 eyes in 19 subjects. UBM was performed with and without instilling 2% pilocarpine, as well before and after cataract extraction
Results: The CBAXL value with and without pliocarpine before cataract was 1.699±0.150 mm and 1.685± 0.180mm, respectively, which was not significantly different. The CBAXL. Value with and without pilocarpine after cataract extraction was 1.898±0.257 mm and 1.668±0.279mm, respectively, which was significantly different.
Conclusions: Pilocaroine induced only subtle movement of the ciliary body before cataract surgery. However, after cataract extraction, it induced significant centripetal movement of the ciliary body compared with that without pilocarpine. This shows that a lenticular sclerotic component may influence both lens movement and the conractility of the ciliary muscle.