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Dr. Tarek Youssif Elrasasi :: Publications:

On the relation between the martensite start stress and the temperature in single crystalline Cu-11.5wt%Al-5.0wt%Ni shape memory alloy
Authors: T.Y. El Rasasi, L. Daróczi, D.L. Beke
Year: 2009
Keywords: Shape memory alloys
Journal: European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT)
Volume: 02002
Issue: ESOMAT 2009
Pages: 6
Publisher: EDP Sciences 2009
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Tarek Youssif Elrasasi_esomat2009_02002.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

In the austenite to martensite phase transformation of shape memory alloys the transformation strain, εtr, usually has definite dependence on the external fields while the change in entropy or volume can be considered constant. Under uniaxial loading this dependence of εtr is related to the change of the martensite variant distribution with increasing field parameters. The stress and temperature dependence of the elastic and dissipative energy contributions to the transformation can be correlated with the η dependence of εtr, where η is the volume fraction of the stress induced (single) variant martensite structure. Obviously, this dependence leads to deviation from the linear Clausius-Clapeyron relation too. In this paper we discuss and compare experimental results in single crystalline Cu17.9wt.%Al-2.6wt.%Ni and Cu-11.5wt%-Al5.0wt%Ni alloys obtained from stress-strain and strain-temperature hysteretic loops at different constant temperatures and stresses, respectively. Furthermore, it is shown that the field dependence of εtr is reflected in the field dependence of the dissipative and elastic energy terms too.

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