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Dr. Tarek Saleh Attia Soliman :: Publications:

Synthesis and structural of Cd0.5Zn0.5F2O4 nanoparticles and its influence on the structure and optical properties of polyvinyl alcohol films
Authors: T.S Soliman; A.S. Abouhaswa
Year: 2020
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Springer
Local/International: International
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This paper aims to synthesize cadmium-zinc ferrite (Cd0.5Zn0.5F2O4) nanoparticles and to fabrication of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) films that host Cd0.5Zn0.5F2O4 nanoparticles in order to enhance structural and optical properties. Cd0.5Zn0.5F2O4 nanoparticles are prepared via sol–gel method and PVA–Cd0.5Zn0.5F2O4 films are prepared by solution casting. Characterization of Cd0.5Zn0.5F2O4 nanoparticles and the prepared nanocomposite films are investigated via X-ray diffraction (XRD), optical microscope, and UV–Vis spectrophotometry. XRD analyses are confirmed the formation of Cd0.5Zn0.5F2O4 nanoparticles and the crystal structure of polymer films are changed with the addition of Cd0.5Zn0.5F2O4 nanoparticles. The effect of Cd0.5Zn0.5F2O4 nanoparticles on the optical parameters is investigated. Urbach energy, refractive index, and extinction coefficient are increased, while the band gap decreases as the Cd0.5Zn0.5F2O4 concentration increases in the PVA matrix. Furthermore, optical dielectric constants and optical conductivity are enhanced as the Cd0.5Zn0.5F2O4 content rises in the polymer matrix.

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