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Ass. Lect. Wael Salah Mansour Abdelrahman Mansour :: Publications:

Thermal performance optimization of parametric building envelope based on bio-mimetic inspiration
Authors: Wael Salah Mansour
Year: 2021
Keywords: Thermal performance; Building envelope; Bio-mimicry; Inspiration; Optimization; Genetic algorithms
Journal: Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Science Direct
Volume: 12
Issue: 1
Pages: 1133-1142
Publisher: Science Direct, Elsevier
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Wael Salah Mansour Abdelrahman Mansour_Thermal performance optimization of parametric building envelope based on bio-mimetic inspiration.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Thermal performance of building envelope is acquired a great deal of global interest. Recently, algorithms are used in architecture for generating inspired shapes from nature which could effect on thermal performance. The research investigates an architectural design Methodology based on a “Modeling-Simulation-Optimization” framework to control the thermal performance of the building envelope. The design of a parametric building envelope is optimized by biomimetic algorithms such as genetic algorithms to minimize the thermal performance. It explores the possibilities of Enhancing the thermal performance of the building envelope by reducing the total thermal loads of a proposed unit in an office building. Results demonstrate that the total thermal loads are decreased from 366.36 KWh to 319.98 KWh which is about 12.65% less than the total thermal loads of the default state before the optimization process. Finally, possible configurations of the building envelope are presented to enhance thermal performance in real architectural design.

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