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Dr. Wafaa Mohib Mohamed Abd-El Hamed Shalash :: Publications:

King Abdulaziz University Breast Cancer Mammogram Dataset
Authors: Asmaa S. Alsolami and Wafaa Shalash
Year: 2021
Keywords: breast cancer mammogram dataset; ultrasound breast cancer scans
Journal: Data Sensors
Volume: 6
Issue: 11
Pages: 15
Publisher: MDPI
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Wafaa Mohib Mohamed Abd-El Hamed Shalash_King Abdulaziz University Breast Cancer Mammogram_compressed (1).pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The current era is characterized by the rapidly increasing use of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems in the medical field. These systems need a variety of datasets to help develop, evaluate, and compare their performances fairly. Physicians indicated that breast anatomy, especially dense ones, and the probability of breast cancer and tumor development, vary highly depending on race. Researchers reported that breast cancer risk factors are related to culture and society. Thus, there is a massive need for a local dataset representing breast cancer in our region to help develop and evaluate automatic breast cancer CAD systems. This paper presents a public mammogram dataset called King Abdulaziz University Breast Cancer Mammogram Dataset (KAU-BCMD) version 1. To our knowledge, KAU-BCMD is the first dataset in Saudi Arabia that deals with a large number of mammogram scans. The dataset was collected from the Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Al-Amoudi Center of Excellence in Breast Cancer at King Abdulaziz University. It contains 1416 cases. Each case has two views for both the right and left breasts, resulting in 5662 images based on the breast imaging reporting and data system. It also contains 205 ultrasound cases corresponding to a part of the mammogram cases, with 405 images as a total. The dataset was annotated and reviewed by three different radiologists. Our dataset is a promising dataset that contains different imaging modalities for breast cancer with different cancer grades for Saudi wome

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