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Dr. Wafaa El-Shahat Afify El-Shahat

Personal Data
Name(Ar): وفاء الشحات عفيفى الشحات
Faculty of Science
Department of Geology
Academic degree:
Major Speciality: • Petrophysical analysis • Wireline logs analysis • Petroleum Systems Analysis • Basin modeling and geothermal studies. • Reservoir Characterization and Source Rock evaluation • Petroleum geochemistry.
Minor Speciality: • Groundwater Investigation using shallow and borehole geophysics. • AVO, velocity analysis and interpretation of seismic data.
Current Position: Asst. Professor
job Status: Based private vacation
Office address: Faculty_of_Science_Benha
Work phone: 0133225494
Alt. e-mail:
MIS Staff Data: Verification Link
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