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Dr. Wafaa Atta Mohammed :: Publications:

Effect of osteoporosis prevention program based on health belief model among working women in Toshiba factory
Authors: Wafaa Ata Mohammed, Howyida Sadek Abd El-Hameed, Mahbouba Sobhy Abd- Elaziz, Huda Abdallah Morsi
Year: 2018
Keywords: Osteoporosis, Prevention Program, Health Belief Model.
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper wafaa hashem_paper of doctrate (wafaa).pdf
Supplementary materials wafaa hashem_paper of doctrate (wafaa).pdf

Osteoporosis is a silent disease that causes bones to become thin, weak and increases the risk for broken bones. Osteoporosis prevention has several aspects including health education, nutrition, exercise, lifestyle modification and early screening. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of osteoporosis prevention program based on health belief model among working women in Toshiba Factory. Design: A quasi-experimental design was used in carrying out this study. Setting: The study was conducted in Toshiba Factory at Benha City. The sample: A simple random sample composed of working women. Tools: Three tools were used I) an interviewing questionnaire, II) Anthropometric measurement tool and III) Osteoporosis Health Beliefs Scale (OHBS). Results of this study showed a significant positive effect of the prevention program on knowledge and practices of the studied women. The average scores of susceptibility to osteoporosis, seriousness, benefits of exercise, benefits of calcium (Ca) intake and health motivation were significantly increased post program. Also, low level of perceived barriers of exercise and barriers to Ca intake were significantly improved post the implementation of the program. Conclusion: Health belief model had significantly increased the knowledge, improved health practices and enhancing the health belief for prevention of osteoporosis among the studied women in the Factory. Recommendations: Further studies should have more comprehensive interventions on the structures of calcium intake benefits and barriers and use other behavioral change theories and further research should be done to study the correlation between demographic characteristics and behavioral, social barriers in calcium intake in different cultural contexts.

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