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Prof. Wagdi Ali :: Publications:

Synthesis and Evaluation of Anionic Copolymeric Surfactant as Dispersing Agent for Some Heterocyclic Azo-Dyes
Authors: W. I. A. El-Dougdoug
Year: 2010
Keywords: Copolymerization, decylacrylate ester, dispersing properties, oxypropylation, surface activity
Journal: Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology
Volume: 31
Issue: -
Pages: 1298–1306
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Wagdi Ali_eldougdoug2010.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Series of polymeric surfactants based on decylacrylate (M1) as hydrophobe and oxypropylated maleate (Mm2,4,6 and 8 with different molar ratios of propylene oxide) as hydrophiles were prepared by copolymerization in presence of 1mole% azobiisobutyronitrile (AIBN) as free radical initiator to afford [PMm2, PMm4, PMm6, and PMm8]a–i. The reaction mixtures were followed by sulfation and neutralization to attain [PMmS2, PMmS4 PMmS6, and PMmS8]a–i as anionic copolymeric surfactants, in good yield. These derivatives were purified and characterized by microanalysis, infrared, and 1 H-NMR spectra studies. Also, surface activity, dispersing properties, and biodegradability were evaluated. The prepared anionic copolymeric surface active agents revealed good surface activities and high dispersing properties above 70% special for PMms8d with 8 mole propylene oxide and equal molar ratio from hydrophilic and hydrophobic monomers. Also, they are more biodegradable than traditional surfactants

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