IoT is one of the most popular technologies in recent years due to the interconnection of various infrastructures, physical devices,
and software. To guarantee the security of Internet of +ings (IoT) pervasiveness, lightweight cryptographic solutions are needed
and this requires lightweight cryptographic primitives. +e choice of S-box in light block ciphers plays an important role in
characterizing the security-performance trade-o7. +e choice of the 4 × 4 S-box for the lightweight constructions results in
compact hardware, speeding up the computational capability of the security algorithm unlike the 8 × 8 S-box. +is work presents
e9cient algebraic S-boxes for a fast image cryptosystem based on a strong nonlinear function which is expanded by a biological
technique depending on DNA. +e robustness of the proposed S-boxes is analysed and tested against various standard attack
criteria such as interpolation attacks, avalanche e7ect, and nonlinearity. +e great advantage of introducing S-boxes is that its
DSAC is the ideal value which is equal to zero. Also, other tests executed on these S-boxes guaranteed its robustness and excellent
security performance. Moreover, the experiments are applied with full description in two di7erent modes; RGB and gray images.
+e results of all tests proved to have fast and strong e7ective S-boxes. |