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Ass. Lect. Waleed Salah :: Publications:

Experimental Assessment of Stone Columns on Embedded Retaining Walls Behavior
Authors: Amani G. Salama; Waleed S. Abdallah; Nasser M. Saleh; Waleed A. Dawood
Year: 2022
Keywords: Stone Column; Soft Clay; Embedded Retaining Wall; Strip Footing, Lateral Displacement; Vertical Settlement.
Journal: ERJSH
Volume: 1
Issue: 51
Pages: 73-79
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Waleed Salah_ERJSH_Volume 51_Issue 1_Pages 73-79.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Stone column is one of the most effective techniques used in soil enhancement. Inserting stone columns under strip footing in the active zone of a retaining wall embedded in soft soils enhances the allover behavior of the retaining wall. Stone columns improve the bearing capacity under the footing, decreases the settlement of the footing, and decreases the lateral movement of the retaining wall. Increasing area replacement ratio of stone columns improves the bearing capacity under the footing, reduces settlement, and decrease the lateral movement of retaining wall.In this resaerch an experimental study was carried out on changing the area of replacement ratio of stone columns inserted in very soft clay in the active zone of embedded retaining wall with strip footing load at the top of backfill.Increasing stone columns area replacement ratio improves the bearing capacity under the footing, reduces settlement, and decrease the lateral movement of retaining wall.

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