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Dr. Waleed Abdellatief Abd elhleem :: Publications:

Pancreatic Elastase-1 Level in Older Individuals
Authors: Fawzy M. Khalila , Sherif I. Negma , Mohamed A. Elassala , Walid Abdel Latif b , Amira K. ElAlfya , Mohamed A. Afifi a , Mohammed R. Refaeya
Year: 2021
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Waleed Abdellatief Abd elhleem _6.pdf
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Background: Disturbances in the endocrine pancreatic function increases with age, yet the deterioration of the exocrine gland has gained less attention. With aging, the incidence of maldigestive symptoms and malnutrition increases, raising the possibility that these might be caused at least in part by inadequate pancreatic enzyme secretion due to degenerative processes of the gland. Purpose: To investigate fecal elastase-1 (FE-1) levels among over 60 years old Egyptian individuals without known gastrointestinal disease or diabetes mellitus. Methodology: FE-1 was measured by ELISA in 45 subjects divided into a case group of 35 individuals who are old age in normal status without known gastrointestinal disease, prior gastrointestinal surgery or diabetes mellitus and another control group of 10 young healthy controls. Results: There was significant difference of FE-1 level between case and control groups with significant low median and range value of FE-1 level in case group ,also there was significant relationship between FE-1 level and presence of dyspeptic symptoms in both case and control groups. Median and range value of FE-1 level in subjects having dyspeptic symptoms was low compared to those having no symptoms in case group. ROC curve analysis revealed that FE-1 cut off value

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