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Dr. Waleed ElAwamy Mohamed Ahmed :: Publications:

Comparative study between toxoplasmic immunohistochemical and serologcial studies in pregnant women
Authors: Hassan Hassan A.Hamadto, Amina I. Abd El-Maboud, Azza S. Elghareeb ,Waleed Elawamy and Heba M. Mahmoud
Year: 2015
Keywords: Toxoplasmosis, immunohistochemical study, pregnancy.
Journal: the Egyptian Journal of Medical Sciences
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: the Egyptian Society of Medical Sciences
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Waleed El-Awamy Mohamed Ahmed_Toxoplasma Jan 2015 Egy Society of Para.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This study aimed to evaluate immunohistochemistry in diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women by comparing it with ELISA test, histopathological examination and immunohistochemical examination. The study was carried out on 100 pregnant ladies aging from16 to 44 years old attending the Obstetrics and Gynecology department of Benha University hospital, 75 patients had complicated pregnancies while, 25 cases with normal pregnancies were taken as a control group. Immunohistochemical examination of the D&C and placental samples of the studied groups revealed that, the highest percent of apoptosis was detected among aborted cases. The current study shows that, the total positive IgG among studied groups was 41% while the total positive IgM was 11%. The number of seropositive cases for Toxoplasma IgG by using ELISA was; 22 (59.4%) aborted females out of them 2 (5.4%) showed mild elevation, 18 (48.6%) moderate elevation and 2 (5.4%) marked elevation, no marked elevation in IUFD and PTL cases. The difference between groups were statistically insignificant (P>0.05). The number of seropositive cases for Toxoplasma IgM by using ELISA was 7 aborted females. Out of them, 2 cases showed mild elevation, 4 cases showed moderate elevation and one case showed marked elevation. While, 3 cases of PTL were seropositive. The difference was statistically insignificant (P>0.05).the histopathological examination of the D&C and placental samples of studied groups revealed that, the highest number of cases having villitis is 27 out of 37 aborted females. While, 2 females from control group have villitis ELISA IgM positive cases were 10 while cases had villitis by histopathological examination were 11 while by Immunohistochemical study they were 10. The control group showed one positive female by ELISA IgM.

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