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Dr. Wessam R. Zahra :: Publications:

Soil Classification and Land Capability evaluation for sustainable Agricultural use in South Sinai, Egypt.
Authors: M.E. Fadl; A.A. Elsherbiny; W.R. Zahra
Year: 2023
Keywords: Land capability; South Sinai; GIS techniques; Egypt
Journal: Journal of Soil Sciences and Agricultural Engineering (JSSAE), Mansoura University
Volume: 14
Issue: 3
Pages: 73-79
Publisher: Faculty Of Agriculture, Mansoura University
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Wessam Zahra_Zahra_paper_No_8_2023.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The study area capability evaluation was carried out using land mapping units characteristics compared to capability class critical limits. The study area soils were classified and identified into two soil orders; Entisols and Aridisols, characterized by eight great groups ▫“Vertic Torriorthents, ▫Typic Calciorthids, Typic Paleorthens, Typic Torrifluvents, ▫Typic Torriorthens, ▫Typic Torripsaments, Lithic Calcic Gypsiorthids and Lithic Torripsaments”. Soils were classified into four classes of land capability C3, C4, C5 and C6; Decantation Basin, Delta, Alluvial Fans and Dry Wadi were ranged between C3 which have good capabilities and can be manageable with minor impediments, and C4 (moderate capability) with moderate to low restrictions that limit the crops sets and soil particular maintenance and conservation techniques are necessary. While, Terraced Hills, Pediplains, Footslopes, Wet Sabkhas and some areas of Coastal Plain belonged between C5 with moderately severe limitations that limit the types of crops that can be grown with specific conservation, and C6 (low capability) with very severe limitations that reduce their usage in agricultural practices. These soils are suitable for growing forage crops, and agroforestry systems since they have low to marginal productivity. As a result, South Sinai soils have some sustainable soils that might potentially play a significant role in aiding decision-makers in modifying and creating sustainable programs and expanding the highly capable areas.

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