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Ass. Lect. Yasser Sayed Ahmed Abdelaziz Mahrous Shama :: Publications:

Development of a New Long Stroke Nanopositioning System With Modular Pantograph Compliant Mechanism
Authors: Yasser Sayed Shama;Mahmoud Magdy;Nader A. Mansour;Ahmed El-Betar;Ahmed M. El-Assal
Year: 2019
Keywords: Long-stroke;nano-positioning systems;ball screw;friction modeling;piezoelectric actuator (PEA);pantograph, compliant mechanisms.
Journal: Not Available
Volume: 1
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 116-121
Publisher: IEEE
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Not Available
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Recently, nanopositioning became one of the most indispensable technologies used in fabrication and characterization processes of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS). Most of these processes require a positioning system that can achieve tens of millimeters stroke with a nanometerrange precision at the same time, which is impossible to achieve with conventional positioning stages. In this paper, a long stroke hybrid nanopositioning stage is presented. The proposed hybrid system consists of a new magnifying modular pantograph compliant piezo-actuated mechanism mounted above a longstroke ball screw driven stage. This mechanism can compensate for the positioning errors of the underlying ball screw driven stage and achieve such requirements of nanometer-range precision at the same time. The dynamic model of the whole system is proposed in detail and its control system structure. Finally, the results are presented to verify the positioning accuracy of the hybrid system.

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