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Ass. Lect. yasmin hesham mahmoud :: Publications:

Nursing Students Attitude toward Reflective Debriefing Strategy and its Relation to Academic Motivation
Authors: 1Yasmin Hesham Sakr, 2 Fawzia Farouk Kamel and 3 Ehsan Saad Soliman
Year: 2024
Keywords: Nursing students attitude, Reflective debriefing strategy, Academic motivation
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper yasmin hesham mahmoud _paper attitude - 6-5-2024 Copy (2).pdf
Supplementary materials yasmin hesham mahmoud _paper attitude - 6-5-2024 Copy (2).pdf

Reflective debriefing strategy is effective teaching strategy and making improvements in student performance and lead to increase nursing student's academic motivation. Aim of the study: Assess student's attitude toward reflective debriefing strategy and its relation to academic motivation. Study design: Descriptive design was used in this study. Setting: The study was conducted at Nursing Administration department at Faculty of Nursing, Benha University. Study subjects: Systematic random sample of the fourth year nursing students (n=50). Data collection tools: Two tools were used I: Reflective debriefing strategy attitude questionnaire. Tool II: Academic motivation scale. Results: More than three quarters (88.0%) of studied nursing students had positive attitude regarding reflective debriefing strategy and the majority (90.0%) of studied nursing students had high academic motivation level. Conclusion: There was a highly statistically significant positive correlation among attitude regarding reflective debriefing strategy and academic motivation. Recommendations: Developing workshops for nursing educators about reflective debriefing strategy, Encourage nursing students to regularly take time to reflect on what learned and what areas need more work on to increase academic motivation

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