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Ass. Lect. yasmin hesham mahmoud :: Publications:

Effect of Applying Reflective Debriefing Strategy for Practical Nursing Administration Course on Nursing Student Academic Achievement
Authors: 1Yasmin Hesham Sakr, 2 Fawzia Farouk Kamel and 3 Ehsan Saad Soliman
Year: 2024
Keywords: Reflective debriefing strategy, Practical nursing administration course, Nursing students, Academic achievement
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper yasmin hesham mahmoud _paper strategy - Copy 11-5-2024 .pdf
Supplementary materials yasmin hesham mahmoud _paper strategy - Copy 11-5-2024 .pdf

Reflective debriefing strategy is a form of active self-learning where nursing students use self-discovery through reflection on their performance that lead to increase academic achievement. Aim of the study: Assess effect of applying reflective debriefing strategy for practical nursing administration course on academic achievement for nursing students. Study design: A quasi-experimental design was used. Setting: The study was conducted at Nursing Administration department at Faculty of Nursing, Benha University. Study subjects: Systematic random sample of the fourth year nursing students (n=50). Data collection tools: Three tools were used I: Nursing student knowledge questionnaire regarding practical nursing administration course, II: Nursing student observational checklist regarding practical nursing administration course, Tool III: Retrospective audit of achievement. Results: The minority (6.0%) of the studied nursing students had good knowledge level regarding practical nursing administration course at preapplying reflective debriefing strategy and improved to more than three quarters (82.0%) at post applying reflective debriefing strategy, the minority (6.0%) of the studied nursing students were had competent level regarding practical nursing administration course at pre-applying reflective debriefing strategy and improved to the majority (90.0%) at post applying reflective debriefing strategy, the majority (94.0%) of the studied nursing students had excellent level regarding academic achievement after applying reflective debriefing strategy

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