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Title | Improvement of the Productivity and Quality of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Export |
Type | MSc |
Supervisors | Prof.Dr.Ahmed saied Ass.Prof Yaser Ghatas Ass.Prof Yousry soudy Dr wael Toiema |
Year | 2020 |
Abstract | This study was carried out in 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 seasons, at Baloza Agricultural Experimental Station, Desert Research Center, Baloza Region, North Sinai, Egypt. The study aims to evaluate the effect of bio-fertilizers (Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and chemical fertilization (NPK) on vegetative growth measurements (plant height, branches number/plant, herb fresh weight/plant and herb dry weight/plant); yield parameters (umbels number/plant, 1000-seed weight, seed yield per plant and seed yield per fed.); oil parameters (oil %, oil yield/plant, oil yield/feddan and oil constituents), chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoids, total chlorophyll and chemical constituents of herb (NPK percentage plus total carbohydrates percentage) of Dutch fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill. spp. vulgare) and caraway (Carum carvi L.) plants. Treatments were five levels of fertilization (full recommended dose of NPK only, 75, 50, 25% of the recommended NPK dose plus bio-fertilizers and bio-fertilizers only). The experiment was arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates. The results indicate that treatment with T2 (75% of the NPK recommended dose plus bio-fertilizers) increased vegetative growth measurements (plant height, branches number/plant, plant fresh and dry weights), yield parameters (umbeles number/plant, 1000-seed weight, seed yield per plant, and seed yield/feddan) and the oil characters (oil %, oil yield/plant and oil yield/fed.) compared to other treatments. Meanwhile, fertilizing with T5 (bio-fertilizers only) led to the lowest values compared with the other treatments in the two experimental seasons. The main chemical constituents in Dutch fennel essential oil were anethole, estragole, fenchone and limonene, while, the main chemical constituents of caraway essential oil in seeds were carvone and limonene. |
Keywords | Fennel - Caraway - Bio-fertilizers - Chemical fertilizers - Azotobacter chroococcum - Bacillus megaterium var. phosphaticum – Active dry yeast. |
University | benha |
Country | egypt |
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Title | Effect of Gamma Radiation and Chemicals on Some Morphological and biochemical Characteristics of Some Ornamental Plants |
Type | MSc |
Supervisors | Dr.Safaa Mostafa Dr.Yaser Ghatas Dr.Effat Agina |
Year | 2020 |
Abstract | Two field experiments were carried out at the Experimental Farm of Horticulture Department Faculty of Agricultuer. Moshtohor, Benha Univeristy Egypt in the two successive seasons of 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 to evaluate the effect of physical mutagen (Gamma rays and Microwave) and chemical mutagen (colchicine) on Gladiolus grandiflorus cv. 'White Prosperity '. and Antholyza ethiopica The corms were treated by the different treatments, as (Gamma rays at. 20 Gy, 40 Gy, and 80 Gy), different concentrations of colchicine (0.1 and 0.2% for 20 hours) and different times of microwave (10, 20 and 30 seconds) on growth performance, flowering, corm production and mutations production of Gladiolus grandiflorus c v.White Prosperity and Antholyza ethiopica. Results showed that the different levels of colchicine had a slight effect on sprouting date, but Gamma rays and microwave treatments induced a significant earliness in both seasons. All treatments significantly increased the studied growth parameters as plant height, number of leaves/plant, length at the fourth leaf (cm), leaf area at the fourth leaf (cm2) and fresh and dry weight of leaves (g)/plant over control, but the best results were obtained by microwave at 10 second treatment and gamma rays at 20 Gray. The greatest treatment was recorded in the two seasons by soaking the corms in 0.2%colchicine solution for 20 hours in both seasons. However, first flowering opening was affected by all tested treatments except colchicine at 0.1% and 0.2%, microwave at 30 second. Also, flower spike fresh weight, florets number per spike, flowering zone length, flower spike length in both seasons. Conclusively, the study recommended to soak the corms in 0.1%,0.2% colchicine solution for 20 hours, exposed to the corms to gamma rays and microwave before planting to get better growth performance, all vegetative growth parameters, all flowering characters and higher corm production. But, exposure of gladiolus corms to higher doses of gamma rays at 80 Gray and microwave at 30 second were significantly decreased all parameters under this study. Additionally, maximized lagging chromosomes stickiness and polypolar cells of chromosomal abnormalities Subjecting of gladiolus for microwave for 10 seconds and gamma rays at 40 and 80 Gray, succeeded in inducing low chromosomal abnormalities, stickiness aneuploidy, polyploidy, and micronucleate per cells. immersion of gladiolus corms in 0.02% diploid chromosomes, hexaploidy, lagging chromosomes, stickiness aneuploidy, polyploidy and micronucleate per cells. |
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University | Benha |
Country | Egypt |
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Type | MSc |
Supervisors | Dr.Eman Abou El ghaiet Dr. Ahmed Youssef Dr. Yaser Ghatas |
Year | 2020 |
Abstract | pot experimental study was carried out at the Floriculture Nursery of the Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture at Moshtohor, Benha University, during 5015 and 2016 seasons to evaluate the effect of some different mixture media and chemical fertilization as well as their combination on growth and chemical composition of Dypsis cabadae palm plants. Plant Material: Uniform Dypsis cabadae seedlings having 2-3 leaves and 25-27 cm height were selected for achieving this investigation. The plants were obtained from Floriculture Nursery of the Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture at Moshtohor, Benha University. The plants were repotted in plastic pots of 30 cm diameter (one plant / pot) packed with the five chosen growing media, mention later, and placed in a partial shade under lath house condition during the two seasons. Procedure and Lay-out of the Experiment: Two factors were involved in the present study, the first was the growing medium the second was chemical fertilization. The different five growing media chosen; clay, clay + composted leaves (1:1 by volume), clay + peat moss (1:1 by volume), clay + vermiculite (1:1 by volume) and composted leaves + peat moss + vermiculite (1:1:1 by volume). All media were analyzed for their chemical characteristics . The chemical fertilization rates of 0, 2, 4 and 6 g/pot were applied monthly as a foliar application for ten times throughout the growing season. The kristalon chemical fertilizer NPK (19:19:19) was used. The fertilization treatments started from 15 March in both seasons (2015 and 2016) until reaching the end of experiment. Common agricultural practices (irrigation, manual weed control, etc.) were carried out as and when needed. The layout of the experiment was designed to provide a factorial experiment in randomized complete blocks. The study contained 20 treatments (5 growing media x 4 rates of chemical fertilization) with three replicates. Each replicate contained 5 pots. The most important results can be summarized as follow: 1-Plant height (cm) The tallest plants were obtained on plants grown in a mixture medium containing compost + peat moss + vermiculite at a ratio of 1:1:1 by volume and received NPK fertilization at 6g /pot, in the two seasons. On contrary, the lowest values of plant height were scored by using a medium containing clay (1:1 by volume) and receiving no chemical fertilization the two seasons. 2-Number of leaves /plant The highest number of leaves/plant was recorded by the plants grown in a medium containing compost + peat moss + perlite and sprayed with chemical fertilization at 6g /L, in the first and second seasons, respectively. On the opposite, the lowest leaves number was scored by using a medium containing clay and receiving no chemical fertilization in the two seasons. 3-Fresh and dry weights of leaf (g) The heaviest leaf fresh and dry weights was registered by using the mixture media of clay + peat moss and sprayed with chemical fertilization at 6g/L, in the two seasons. 4- Length of stem (cm) Grown areca palm plants in medium containing compost + peat moss + vermiculite and supplemented with kristalon fertilizer at 6 g / L is being the most effective one for producing the tallest stem in the two seasons of this study. 5- Diameter of stem (cm) The thickest stem was scored by those grown in a medium containing clay + compost and sprayed with chemical fertilization at 6g /L, in the two seasons. II-Root growth parameters 2- Number of roots / plant The combination of chemical fertilization at 6 g / L exhibited to be the most pronounced one for inducing the highest number of roots / plant , particularly those grown in medium involving compost + peat moss + perlite, followed descendingly by those grown in M5 and sprayed with chemical fertilization at 4 g / L in the two seasons. 2- Length of roots (cm) The combination of M5 showed to be the most affective one for producing the highest roots length , especially those sprayed with kristalon at the high level in the two seasons. 3-Fresh and dry weights of roots / plant (g) The heaviest fresh and dry weights of roots / plant was obtained by those planted on M5 and sprayed with kristalon at 6 g / L 15 in the two seasons. The lowest values of this parameter were registered by those planted on M1 and sprayed with tap water in the two seasons. IV- Chemical composition determination: 7- Leaf nitrogen percentage The greatest leaf nitrogen percentage was recorded by the plants grown in a medium containing clay + compost and sprayed with chemical fertilization at 6g /L, followed by those grown in M5 and sprayed with chemical fertilization at 6 g / L in the two seasons. 8- Leaf phosphorus percentage The highest leaf phosphorus percentage was registered by using the mixture media of clay + peat moss and sprayed with chemical fertilization at 6g/L, followed by those grown in M5 and sprayed with chemical fertilization at 6 g / L in the two seasons. 9- Leaf potassium percentage Grown areca palm plants in medium containing clay + compost and enriched with kristalon fertilizer at 6 g / L is being the most effective one for producing the greatest leaf potassium percentage in the two seasons of this study. 10- Leaf total carbohydrates percentage The greatest values of leaf total carbohydrates percentage were obtained by those planted on M5 and sprayed with kristalon at 6 g / L in the two seasons. 5-Leaf total phenols content (mg / 100 g f.w) The combination of chemical fertilization at 6 g / L exhibited to be the most pronounced one for inducing the lowest values of leaf total phenols content (mg / 100 g f.w), particularly those grown in medium involving compost + peat moss + vermiculite in the two seasons. 6-Leaf total indoles content (mg / 100 g f.w) The greatest values leaf total indoles content (mg / 100 g f.w) were scored by the combination of chemical fertilization at 6 g / L , especially those grown in medium containing compost + peat moss + vermiculite in the two seasons. 7- Leaf total chlorophylls content (mg / 100 g f.w) The highest leaf total chlorophylls content was scored by those grown in a medium containing compost + peat moss + vermiculite and sprayed with chemical fertilization at 6g /L, in the two seasons of this study. Recommendation Conclusively, growing areca palm (Dypsis cabadae H. E. Moore) plants in a medium containing composted + peat moss + vermiculite or a medium composed of clay + peat moss 1:1:1(v:v) and sprayed with chemical fertilizer at 6g/L produced the best growth and quality of this plant. |
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University | Benha |
Country | Egypt |
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Title | Physiological studies on Viola Odorata. L. plants |
Type | PhD |
Supervisors | Dr.Safaa Mostafa Dr Eman Mokhtar Dr.Yaser Ghatas |
Year | 2020 |
Abstract | The sweet violet plant is considered one of the most promising medicinal and aromatic plants. Many medical and chemical studies have proved that they are used to treat many diseases because of the important chemicals used to treat many diseases such as cancer, especially respiratory and uterine. Used in the installation of many medicines for these diseases in addition to being used as a medical compound for the treatment of respiratory diseases, migraine, and some skin diseases and intestinal disinfectant as well as to treat cough in children In addition to medical use, it is used in the manufacture of many high-priced cosmetics and perfumes. This has made it a global demand for cosmetic and perfumery markets, making it an important economic plant. Therefore, the study highlighted the production of the plant in a manner suitable for Egyptian conditions and climate change. The present study was conducted during two successive seasons of 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 seasons at the Experimental Farm, of the Faculty Agriculture (Moshtoher), Benha University, Egypt. on viola (Viola odorata Linn.) plants the study was included on two Experiments, the first one on pots and second part on plots. |
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University | benha |
Country | |
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