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Dr. Yasser Zakria Metwaly Salama :: Publications:

Body composition and their relationship with the functional efficiency as an indicator of the physical efficiency to some aerobic and anaerobic activities players
Year: 2016
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Yasser Zakria Metwaly Salama_s.docx
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Abul Ela Abdel Fattah and Mohammad Sobhy Hassanein (1997) mentioned that for each athletic activity, specialized physical, skill and morphological, physiological, mental and psychological particular requirements must be available in the target to achive the medals and trophies in this activity where it is evident in the size, shape, construction and body compisition of the individual and which represent critical factors for achievement and sporting excellence. Body compisition of physical athlete and its morphological measurements in general have relationship with functional operations and fitness efficiency of an athlete as this showed by Huda Khudairy (1991) in the study of some body components and their influence on the time of 100m swimming, where she pointed out that the change in the basic components of the body can be given the possibility to judge on the functional, physical and morphological processes which occurred in the human body more deeply and specifically, as the vital capacity has been used as an indicator of the physical efficiency for long periods, but in the light of scientific development there are devices for measuring functional efficiencies and vital processes which give more accurate results such as the measurements used in the Spirostik device, which used in this study. Because of the close relationship between the level of physical competence and what it refers to the physiological levels and responses as evidence of the functional efficiency in addition to the important role which played by the body composition with multiple variables which are not limited to height, weight and fat percentage, which may affect the physical and functional efficiency levels, which may help us to test players in better manner, which may help us to identify emergency shortcomings that appear on some players during the performance, due to the attention of a researcher in the field of body composition of the athletes and physical efficiency basis for the classification of the players in the activities and the lack of research on the research variables with modern equipment so the researcher has attempted to identify the relationship between the body composition, functional efficiency and the extent of their influence on the physical efficiency.

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