Continuous curoilinear capsalorhexis (ccc) in cataracts without red reflex
offers a dWiculty and challenge to the cataract surgeons due (0 poor visibility .Dljferent techniques have been developed to solL'e the problem. The capsular staining using dljferent stains like fluorescein sodium. Indocyanin green. trypan blue and gentian violet helps in better L'isualfzation. However the toxicity of these dyes has not been completely excluded.
So. in order to minimfze these effects . the minimal amount of these dyes with the least concentration must be used.
A new capsular stainer has been developed which utilfzes the idea of a simple dropper is presented by which a microdrop oj the stain is relieved above the anterior capsule before dispersing it Jorming a homogenous layer ojstain .
This newly designed instrument has the advantages of being completely controllable . using only one hand with the least amount ojdye(s) and best quality capsular staining preL'enting the unaL'Oidable excessiL'e staining oj the ocular tissues met with when an ordinary insulin syri'}ge has been used |