You are in:Home/Publications/Sociological and Physiological influences on Kuwait children - Field Study on a sample of Kuwait families in Cairo during the Iraq invasion 6th conferences for Social Science and Arab & Children society Problems – Dar Almarefaa Algameaia – Alexandria .

Prof. Zeinab Ebrahem El-Ezaby :: Publications:

Sociological and Physiological influences on Kuwait children - Field Study on a sample of Kuwait families in Cairo during the Iraq invasion 6th conferences for Social Science and Arab & Children society Problems – Dar Almarefaa Algameaia – Alexandria .
Authors: Dr. Atef Ghith
Year: 1995
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

The paper focuses on revealing the Kuwait children personnel traits aging from 8 -12 years and it has the main outline features of guiding the services of handling the Kuwait children needs after the invasion, indicating the child emotions and basic individual development. The paper also aims at configuring changes reflected in Childs’ personnel characteristics; this is to assist the child on analysis accommodation and adapting to his society. These Data sources were based on deploying the tools of case studies and group discussions. The geographical location of this study was selection from Cairo and Alexandria. The specimen confined to 135 families subdivided to 65 families from Cairo and 70 families from Alexandria.

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