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Dr. zinab ebrahim :: Publications:

The Relation between Organizational Learning Culture and Goal Orientation among Staff Nurses
Authors: Fathya Fathy Ahmed 1, Nora Ahmed Abd Allah2 and Zienab Ibrahem Ismael 3
Year: 2023
Keywords: Goal orientation, Learning, Organizational learning culture, Staff nurses
Journal: Journal of Nursing Science - Benha University
Volume: 4
Issue: 1
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Zienab Ibrahem Ismael
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper zinab ebrahim_Organizational learning .pdf
Supplementary materials zinab ebrahim_Organizational learning .pdf

In this era of competition, organizations face challenges to retain their positions in the global market. Only such organizations which nurture a culture of continuous learning and development can stay in the forefront. Development of human resource entails a culture of learning in an organization and such development creates a competitive advantage in the dynamic business environment. Aim: This study aimed to assess the relation between organizational learning culture and goal orientation among staff nurses. Design: Descriptive correlational research design was used. Setting: The study conducted in all inpatients units at Medical and Surgical departments at Benha University Hospital. Subjects: Convenient sample of all available 322 staff nurses who are working in the above mentioned study setting. Tools of data collection: Two tools were used; Organizational Learning Culture Questionnaire, and Goal Orientation Questionnaire. Results: Showed that the (68.0%) of staff nurses reported that organizational learning culture was high, and (79.9%) of them reported that goal orientation level was moderate. Conclusion: There was highly positive statistically significant relation between total organizational learning culture level and total goal orientation level. The study recommended that nursing managers should nurture the work culture with continuous learning opportunities and effective collaboration of employees. Continuity, spontaneity and proper planning of inculcating the learning process to maintain an effective organizational learning culture. Encourage staff nurses' participation in training courses, Nursing managers should maintain proper orientation of career goals among staff nurses

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