Purpose:The current study’s aim is to to investigate the effect of hydrolyzed whey protein concentrate (WPC) derived from camel’s milk on qualityand organoleptic properties of soft cheese during refrigerated storage.Methodology:Two concentrations(10 and 20 mg/g) of camel ́s WPC and its hydrolysates [pepsin (P)and pepsin-trypsin (P-T) hydrolysates]were incorborated in to soft cheeseand their effects ontotal bacterial, phsychrophilic, aerobic spore formers, coliforms and yeast & mold counts were calculated till end of refrigerated storage peroid.Also, flavour, texture and appearance of treated cheese groups were evaluated compared to control one.Findings:Theresults revealedthatthe higher concentration of WPCand its hydrolysates,the moresignificant decrease in the microbial load andincrease the shelf life up to 34thdays withP-Thydrolysate(20 mg/g)compared with the control with a shelf-life of 18thdaysonlyat refrigerated temperature (4oC).This hydrolysateshowedalso the highest degree of hydrolysis (DH%)of 34.06% ± 1.53 and protein concentrationof30.72%± 3.16. The maximum score forbody, and texture and appearance was recorded for the cheese samplecontaining P-T hydrolysate(20 mg/g), while the maximum flavour score was recorded to pepsin (P) hydrolysate(10 mg/g), compared with unhydrolyzedWPC concentrationsand control soft cheese groups. Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy:This study was conducted to elaborate antimicrobials from camel ́s WPC after enzymatic hydrolysis which could serve as a potential natural presrvatives in soft cheese without altering the sensory characteristics. |