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Prof. Ahmad Taher Azar :: News:

رئيس جامعة بنها يهنئ أزار لحصوله على جائزة شومان للباحثين العرب [2020-10-31]

هنأ الدكتور جمال السعيد، رئيس جامعة بنها، الدكتور أحمد طاهر صالح أزار الأستاذ المساعد بكلية الحاسبات والذكاء الاصطناعي بالجامعة لحصوله على جائزة «شومان للباحثين العرب» 2020 مناصفة عن موضوع تعليم الآلة (الحاسوب) والبيانات التحليلية الكبرى. وأعرب السعيد عن سعادته بهذا الإنجاز الذي يضاف الى رصيد إنجازات جامعة بنها، مشيرا الى أن الجامعة تزخر بالعديد من شباب العلماء المتميزين في مختلف المجالات العلمية والبحثية. وكانت مؤسسة عبد الحميد شومان قد اعلنت أسماء الفائزين بجائزة عبد الحميد شومان للباحثين العرب للدورة 38 للعام 2020. وعن حقل (العلوم التكنولوجية والزراعية) فاز بالجائزة مناصفة الدكتور أحمد طاهر صالح أزار من مصر عن موضوع " تعليم الآلة (الحاسوب) والبيانات التحليلية الكبرى". وتمنح هذه الجائزة تقديراً لإنتاج علمي متميز يؤدي نشره وتعميمه إلى زيادة المعرفة العلمية والتطبيقية، والإسهام في حل المشكلات ذات الأولوية محليًا وإقليميًا وعالميًا، ونشر ثقافة البحث العلمي. ويتم ذلك ضمن ستة حقول تقرّها الهيئة العلمية للجائزة، وتحدد المواضيع التي تعلن للتنافس في كل حقل منها. download attachment

رئيس جامعة بنها يهنئ أزار بجائزة الدولة التشجيعية في العلوم الهندسية [2018-06-19]

قدم الأستاذ الدكتور السيد يوسف القاضي رئيس جامعة بنها, التهنئة باسمه وباسم جميع النواب والعمداء, والأساتذة, وأعضاء هيئة التدريس, ومعاونيهم, والعاملين بالجامعة للدكتور أحمد طاهر أزار الأستاذ المساعد بكلية الحاسبات والمعلومات لحصوله على جائزة الدولة التشجيعية في العلوم الهندسية التي حصل عليها عن مجمل أعماله وأبحاثه العلمية خاصة في مجال التحكم والنظم الديناميكية وقال القاضي إن فوز الدكتور أزار بالجائزة المرموقة يعد تقديرا لكل العلماء والباحثين من جامعة بنها كما يعد دليلا على ما توفره الجامعة من إمكانات لأبنائها لإجراء أبحاثهم والتقدم بها للحصول على الجوائز التي تعد الأرفع في مصر كما يعد حصوله على الجائزة حافزا للزملاء من الأساتذة, والباحثين من أبناء الجامعة download attachment

Call for papers: Special issue on Fractional-Order and Memristive Nonlinear Systems: Advances and Applications, Complexity [2016-09-24]

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Call for Papers [2016-07-10]

Call for Papers for Special Issue on: “Observer-based Fuzzy, Neural and Adaptive Control: Advances and Applications” Submission deadline: July 31, 2016 download attachment

Call for Papers [2016-07-10]

Special Issue On ''New Trends on Modeling, Design, and Control of Chaotic Systems'' Manuscript Due: Friday, 9 December 2016

CFP: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics (AISI’16), October 24-26, 2016, Cairo, Egypt [2016-01-21]

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics (AISI’16), October 24-26, 2016, Cairo, Egypt Technically Co-sponsored by Springer, IEEE computational intelligence Society and IEEE Robotic and automation society Egypt chapters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Submission Deadline: April 30, 2016 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics (AISI) is an interdisciplinary research field which involves researchers from information technologies, bioinformatics, computer science, medical informatics, biology, social studies, as well as robotics research. AISI’2016 conference aims for encouraging the integration of these research fields by providing a chance for academics, researchers, analysts, industry consultants, and practitioners in the fields involved to discuss and exchange recent progress in the area of informatics and intelligent systems technologies and applications. The conference has three major tracks (Intelligent Systems, Intelligent Robotics Systems, and Informatics). Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to the conference. Authors should submit their papers online.;key=32751754.gRnj7TJjlAFv8JQ0 Further instructions and subject areas are posted at The accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings published by SPRINGER as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. We welcome submissions for AISI2016 Technical Program in the following tracks: Intelligent Systems, Intelligent Robotics Systems, and Informatics Best regards General chairs Mohamed F. Tolba and Aboul Ella Hassanien Program chair Dr. Ahmed Taher Azar Faculty of Computers and Information, Benha University, Egypt

Chair of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Egypt Chapter (2015-2016) [2015-11-03]

Chair of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) Egypt Chapter (2015-2016) [2015-11-03]

Vice chair of IEEE CIS IET TF [2015-02-16]

IEEE CIS IET "Interdisciplinary Emergent Technologies" Task Force Vice Chair

Editor in Chief forInternational Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics [2014-11-26]

Dr. Ahmad Taher Azar, from Benha University, Egypt, has been appointed as the new Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics, Inderescience Publisher, UK.

“Best Papers of the Year 2013” from Computer Methods & Programs in Biomedicine (CMPB) [2014-11-26]

My recent paper in 2013 Published in ScienceDirect has been selected as ''best papers of the year 2013'' from Computer Methods & Programs in Biomedicine (CMPB)

IEEE Robotic and Automation team has participated in the third edition of Minesweepers competition 2014 [2014-08-21]

IEEE Robotic and Automation branch in Benha University has participated in the third edition of Minesweepers competition 2014 under supervision of Dr. Ahmad Taher Azar, educational and student activities chair of IEEE RAS Egypt chapter. The founder of Minesweepers competition is Prof. Alaa Khamis, the chair and founder of IEEE RAS Egypt chapter IEEE RAS Benha Team was able to win with five other teams in Egypt and has been qualified for final round which was held at Misr University for Science and Technology, 6th of October city, Egypt. This Minesweepers competition has been considered to be the first opportunity for the team of Benha University to participate in international competition for the robotics. Detection and removal of antipersonnel landmines is, at the present time, a serious problem of political, economical, environmental and humanitarian dimensions in Egypt and many countries over the world. Minesweepers: Towards a Landmine-free World is an international outdoor robotic competition on humanitarian demining that aims at motivating researchers and developers to work on innovative solutions for this serious problem. With financial support from Benha University and supervision of Dr. Ahmad Taher Azar, the team was able to participate by working at the beginning of the summer vacation after the end of second exams by organizing work groups, intensive training and workshops in the College of Computers and Informatics. The group consists of students from Computers and Informatics faculty and Engineering faculty. Finally, the Benha team was honored from the competition organizers and received certificates of appreciation for their effort and participation. Dr. Ahmed Taher Azar has established IEEE RAS Benha team since January 2014 by organizing training sessions and workshops for students of the faculties of Engineering and Computers and information to participate in local and international competitions annually under support from Benha University and also to compete national and international universities.


Dr Ahmad Taher Azar is elected to be the Vice president of North Africa of system dynamics Africa Regional Chapter


Dr Ahmad Taher is now establishing active team from faculty of computers and information, Benha university to join IEEE Robotics and Automation Society– Egypt Chapter. Students who like to join should contact Dr Ahmad Taher.


Our IEEE RAS Egypt chapter has been selected as the best chapter in Egypt in 2013. Congratulation to all of us and special thanks to Prof. Alaa Khamis, the founder and chair of our chapter.

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