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Prof. Ahmed Abd Elrehem Abd Elrehem Ahmed Zordok :: Supervised MSc:

Title In progress/Completed
Public Expenditure distribution in Egypt and its effect on the social justice. Completed
Analyzing the main determinants of exports in Malaysia during the period (1998 -2000) Completed
Role of Foreign Direct Investment in developing the Indonesian economy during the period(1980 -2000) Completed
Role of Foreign Direct Investment in developing the South-Korean economy during the period(1960 -1990) Completed
Role of Communication and Information technology sector in developing the Egyptian economy. Completed
Role of Foreign Direct Investment in developing the Egyptian economy with a reference to the Malaysian case. Completed
Role of Foreign Direct Investment in developing the Egyptian economy with a reference to the Malaysian case. Completed
An assessment of the partnership between public and private investment in transportation sector in Egypt In progress
Assessing the industrial sector in curbing economic crises in Taiwan, south-Korean, and Malaysia. In progress
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