You are in:Home/Publications/Tamoxifen and sildenafil improve endometrial thickness and uterine blood flow in women with thin endometrium despite adequate follicular response with clomiphene citrate. Ain Shams Medical Journal 2011; 62 (10, 11, 12)

Prof. Ahmed Waleed Anwar Morad Mohamed :: Publications:

Tamoxifen and sildenafil improve endometrial thickness and uterine blood flow in women with thin endometrium despite adequate follicular response with clomiphene citrate. Ain Shams Medical Journal 2011; 62 (10, 11, 12)
Authors: Ahmed walid Anwar, Aymen Ahmed, Islam Mahmoud.
Year: 2011
Keywords: Tamoxifen , sildenafil,clomiphene citrate, thin endometrium
Journal: Ain Shams Medical Journal,
Volume: 62
Issue: 10,11,12
Pages: 725-736
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Ahmed Waleed Anwar Morad Mohamed_Tamoxifen_and_sildenafil_improve_endometrial_thickness_and_uterine_blood_flow_in_women_with_thin_endometrium_despite_adequate_follicular-libre_2.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of tamoxifen versus clomiphine citrate plus sildenafil for improving endometrial thickness and uterine blood flow in women with thin endometrium despite adequate follicular response with clomiphene citrate. type of study: prospective randomized study. setting: Benha University hospital

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