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Prof. Ahmed Said Mohamed Youssef :: Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2009
1-Writing courses specification and reports of the under graduate and postgraduate courses
2-Writing specification and reports programme of under graduate students.
3-Presence many work shops and symposiums in quality Assurance in the faculty and in Benha university
Scientific Activities of 2008
4-Member of Quality Assurance and Accreditation Projects(QAAP2) team in Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture department
5-Member of strategic planning team in the faculty of Agriculture.
6-Coordinator of post graduate programme (PhD) of Horticulture department.
7-Member of strategic planning team in the university.
8-Writing courses specification and reports of the under graduate and postgraduate courses
9-Writing specification and reports programme of under graduate students.
Scientific Activities of 2007
10-Presence many work shops and symposiums in quality Assurance in the faculty and in Benha university
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