Oxidant stress has a role in pat hophysiology of many discuses. Now-ever its role in myocardial infarction is not hilly clear. Also.prostaglnrtdins haoe a relation to many diseases however. its relation to myocardial in¬farction is not fully investigated. Also, it is not known well whether pros¬taglandins mediate the cardioprotectiue cu ct of anti-oxidant vitamins E and C. 77te airn of the present work was to investigate the role of oxidant stress and prostaglandin lit the pathcjeaseis of rntlocarcliat uijurciiott and possible relation between them .77ie results of the present study shots ed that injection of vitamin B and citarnin C ( Knoten anti-oxidant vitamins) reduced the myocardial irJarction induced by i.soprenalin injection ,thus denoting that the myocardial infarction is largely due to oxidant stress
Also the restdis showed that injection of noltaren ( a prosiagiandin si~n¬thesis inhibitor) caused an increase in myocardial infarction induced by isoprenalin signifying a prostaglandin cardioprotective action. The results showed also that injection of uoltaren together With vitamin E nearly abol¬ished the carclioprotective action of vi(itmin E. This.proued that the cardi¬opro(ective cf/ect of vitamin is mediated at lags( partially through prosta¬glandin . In contrast injection of cottarert nith vitamin C did riot affect the eardiprotec(inc action of vitamin C.This means that the cardiprotuctire ae¬lion of vitamin C is riot media/ent through prostaglandin |