You are in:Home/Publications/A suggested strategy for teaching solving the mathematical problems and its effect on the development of problem solving skills and attitudes towards mathematics and reducing mathematical anxiety level among pupils with learning disabilities at the second cycle of basic education. Benha Faculty of Education Journal, volume 12, issue 51.

Prof. Al-Azab Mohammad Al-Azab Zahran :: Publications:

A suggested strategy for teaching solving the mathematical problems and its effect on the development of problem solving skills and attitudes towards mathematics and reducing mathematical anxiety level among pupils with learning disabilities at the second cycle of basic education. Benha Faculty of Education Journal, volume 12, issue 51.
Authors: Al-Azab Mohammad Al-Azab Zahran, (with: Abdul-hameed Mohammad aly)
Year: 2002
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
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