You are in:Home/Publications/اثر استخدام الادلة التاريخية فى تدريس التاريخ على تحقيق بعض وظائفة بالمرحلة الثانوية

Prof. Ali Goudah Mohammad Abd Elwahab :: Publications:

اثر استخدام الادلة التاريخية فى تدريس التاريخ على تحقيق بعض وظائفة بالمرحلة الثانوية
Authors: عبد الوهاب، علي جودة محمد
Year: 1994
Keywords: الأدلة التاريخية
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 322ص
Publisher: المؤلف
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ali Goudah Mohammad Abd Elwahab_abstract 325.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The recent tense is considered very quick and there are a lot of changes in at. These changes are not only in knowledge but also we see alot of changes in the historical events. So we can’t live isolated from these consequent changes. The historical curricula are closely related to such changes. there fore, necessory to very reconsider on curricula in the different education stages. This reconsideration should include objectives, content, methods of teaching, education aids and styles of evaluation. Problem of the study :- The Problem of the study may be sunnmarized in the foollwing questions: 1- To what extent are there historical evidences in the history curriculay at the secondary stage? 2- What is the form of a general program for using the historical evidences at the secondary stage? 3- What are the components of a study unit from the general program to be tought at the secondary stage? • -r- 4- What is the effect on using this uint on ~e teachers performance of some functions of history at the secondary stage? §ignificance of the study: 1- Discovering any shortage in the history curricula at the secondary stage. 2- Submitting a criterion of the conditions that should be found in the history curricula at the secondary stage. 3- Introducing ageneral concept of the history curricula based on the historical evidence. Prsocedures of the study: Chapter one Introduction of the significance, problem and limitations of the study. Chapter two : Review the previons studies. Chapter three : The historical evidences and Their importance in teaching history. Chapter four : 1- Criteria of choosing the historical evidences. 2- Steps of using” the historical evidences in teaching history. 3- The historical evidences at the different educational stages -t- Chapter five : The relationship between the histoical evidences and the functions of teaching history. Chapter six : Bulding up the criterion and applying it on the history curricula at the secondory stage Chapter seven: Preparing the observation chechlist and measuring its validety. Chapter eight: The general fromwork of the program and the unit and applying the uset. Chapter nine: The field study and the results of the study. Resu Its of th e stu dy : 1- There are significant differences at the level of ,.01 among teachers in acquiring skills of using the historical evidences. 2- The level of compotency of teachers before the experiment was 52.170/0and 78.50% after the experinent. 3- There are significant differences between the averages of the students’ grades at the level of, . Olin the test of understanding the history functions. 4- The level of competency of students before the experiment was 45. 95% and 80.28% after the experiment.

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