You are in:Home/Publications/دراسة تحليلية لمحتوى كتب المواد الاجتماعية في الحلقة الثانية من التعليم الأساسي ( المرحلة الإعدادية ) في ضوء أهداف تدريسها في الفترة من 1953 حتى 1986م

Prof. Ali Goudah Mohammad Abd Elwahab :: Publications:

دراسة تحليلية لمحتوى كتب المواد الاجتماعية في الحلقة الثانية من التعليم الأساسي ( المرحلة الإعدادية ) في ضوء أهداف تدريسها في الفترة من 1953 حتى 1986م
Authors: عبد الوهاب ، على جودة محمد
Year: 1989
Keywords: تحليل المحتوى
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 218ص
Publisher: المؤلف
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Ali Goudah Mohammad Abd Elwahab_abstract 318.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The resea~ch problem can be stated in the following three questions: 1. What are the objectives of teaching history in the second stage J of basic education (preparatory stage) from 1953 to 1986 ? 2. To what extent do the social, economic and political circumstance~ affect the objectives of teaching history in that period ? J. To what extent does the content of the textbooks reflect the objectives of teaching history in that period ? - Chapter One: It includes an introduction which throws the light on the ~~ research importance and the necessity of the objectives and textbooks of history curriculum. It also deals with the research problem, its importance, its limitations, its procedures and terminology. Chapter Two: It is concerned with the previous related studies on the objectives and the content of history textbooks as well as other subjects textbooks. - Chapter Three: It discusses the instructional objectives of teaching history taking into consideration their nature, sources, levels , (2) classifies.tion 8,::1cdriteris. and ways of formulation. It also r1eal~; with history as a subject, its importance and teaching objectives. - Chapter Four: It tackles the social, economic and political circumstances in the period 1953 - 1986 and which had reflections on education in general and history curriculum in particular considering their objectives and contents. This chapter answers the second question in the research problem. :1 - Chapter Five: It discusses the research procedures and the design and application of the research tool. The researcher extracted the objectives of teaching history in that period and analyzed them during the different subperiods of that period under investigation. They were formulated in the form of units. Each unit consists of a number of items or criteria which can be observed in the content. These items or criteria were presented to a jury. Then, a final list of criteri6 representing the historical abilities concerned ~n t~s study was formulated. This list was applied against a sample of nineteen (n= 19) textbooks of different times or subperiods of the intented period in this study. - Chapter Six: It includes the research results of the different times during that period and finally a comment. 1f 1. There was no correlation between many objectives on one hand and the content of history textboo•ks, on the other hand, in most subperiods or times during that period of study in this research 2. Fornn.11ation of objectives was done in a general and unspecific: way in most times during that period except the last two ones. The researcher analyzed these objectives to define their reflection in the content of history textbooks. J. The objectives did not vary according to the different grade8~ This indicated that there were some textbooks which did not reflect any specific objectives. 4. The history teaching objectives did not include the affective and skill domains as well as the cognitive except in the last two subperiods of the intented period concerned in this study. 5. The history textbooks did not reflect most of the contemporary political, economic, social and cultural circumstances of each subperiod in a clear way, especially those of the Egyptian society. 6. The objectives and content in many subperiods were influenced by the political trends. So, the Egyptian approach was dominant 1I I in some subperiods such as the first period (1953-1957) and the last two ones (1976 up to now) while the Arab national approach was dominant in the SUbperiod (1957-1975). This fact was clear in the content of history textbooks in those subperiods. 7. There was no enough interest of the contemporary world problems except in the last subperiod (from 1986 up to now) during which there was clear interest of Egypt’s role to solve the world problems and support international peace in the Arab world and the world as a whole. Another shortage in social studies curriculum in that period was that it did not regard the Egyptian society.

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