Congenital heart diseases are of public health concern worldwide as they contribute significantly to childhood morbidity and mortality. Congenital heart diseases account for 8-12/1000 live births and approximately 30% to 40% of all congenital heart disease worldwide. Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of educational program on self-efficacy and quality of life for mother's caring children with congenital heart disease. Design: A quasi-experimental research design was used to conduct the study. Settings: This study was carried out in Benha University Hospital. Sample: Purposive sample 100 mothers of children aged 5-12 years with congenital heart disease and not receiving any surgery. They were randomly selected children were admitted to Benha University hospital to follow up in pediatric department regardless their characteristics. Tools of data collection: Four tools were used; (1) A structured interviewing questionnaire together data in relation to characteristic of the study subjects, mothers knowledge regarding congenital heart disease (definition, causes, type, clinical manifestation of congenital heart disease). 2) Mothers quality of life questionnaire was adapted from standardized likert type rating scale Vahedi, (2010),to assess quality of life of mothers' children with congenital heart disease.3) Mother self-efficacy scale was adapted from Schwarzer,(2014), to assess self-efficacy of mothers' children with congenital heart disease.4):Mothers' reported practice sheet it was designed by the researchers in the light of relevant literature review to assess mothers' reported practice regarding congenital heart disease as nutrition, child activity, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, protection from infection and dental care. Results: was a highly statistically significant difference observed between the studied mothers total knowledge, self efficacy, quality of life and mothers reported practice regarding to congenital heart disease at pre, post and after three months of educational implementation. Conclusion: The mothers of children with congenital heart disease had improved in their quality of life as well as self-efficacy and the mothers had a satisfactory knowledge and practice about caring of children with congenital heart disease. Recommendations: The study recommended that, future studies are needed to be conducted on the effect of educational program on the quality of life and self-efficacy of the children with congenital heart disease |