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Dr. Amira mohamed Salama abdelfattah :: Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2017
1- Actively participated as Coordinator in the 2nd scientific day of the obstetrics and woman's health nursing department about "Woman Health toward the Best Life", at Faculty of Nursing Benha University.
2- Actively participated as moderator and organizer in the third scientific day of the obstetrics and woman's health nursing department entitled "New trends in the field of women's health nursing at Faculty of Nursing - Benha University
3- Participation in a training course in the Obstetrics and Woman's Health Nursing Department in collaboration with the general service for continuous Education and training center at Faculty of Nursing, Banha University, entitled "Future Vision in Maternity Nursing"
Scientific Activities of 2015
4- Organizer and an actively participated in the accreditation of the Faculty of Nursing ceremony - Benha University In recognition of the distinguished dedication of the giving in order to upgrade the quality of the Faculty and Performance"
Scientific Activities of 2013
5- Participated as lecturer in Regional Week of Community Developmental & Environmental Affair
6- Actively participated as Lecturer in "The activities of the training courses to raise the efficiency of Nursing Hospitals at Qalioubia Government” for nurses from all hospitals At Benha Faculty of Nursing (4 weeks) from 20/10/2013 until 12/11/2013
7-Actively participated as Coordinator in "The activities of the training courses to raise the efficiency of nurses of Obstetrics and Gynecological departments in hospitals Qalioubia Government ".
Scientific Activities of 2008
8-Benha University Environmental Week
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