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Dr. Amira mohamed Salama abdelfattah :: Experience:

  •  Clinical Training of Internship Nurse Students at Benha University Hospital in the year 2008 - 2009.
  •  Clinical Training "Obstetrics &Gynecological Nursing" for the third year undergraduate nursing students at Faculty of Nursing, Benha University from 2009 until now.
  • Theoretical teaching" Obstetric &Women's Health Nursing Course" for the third year undergraduate nursing students at Faculty of Nursing, Benha University from 2016 until now.
  •  Participation in the preparation of the theoretical and practical books of the subject of obstetrics and women's health nursing for third year students.
  •  Teaching" Thinking and research skills" for the third year school of nursing, Benha University for the year 2017- 2018 and participate in the preparation of the book for them .
  • Teaching" Obstetrics &Gynecological Nursing Course” for the second year undergraduate nursing students at Technical Institute of Nursing, Benha University for the year 2018-2019 and participation in the preparation of the theoretical and practical books of obstetrics nursing and gynecology for them
  • Participate in teaching for the technical technology diploma for the academic year 2019-2020
  •  Participation in the training program for internship, faculty of nursing Benha university for the year 2017- 2018
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